Trademark Construction successfully completed this four-unit build on Barbour Street in Christchurch. The original units were demolished due to earthquake damage, with the new designs crafted by Bode Architecture.
Ground remediation involved excavating 1.4 meters, and refilling with a geotechnically designed sub-base. We implemented a RibRaft TC3 concrete slab foundation system, engineered to meet MBIE guidelines for optimal performance in TC3 seismic events.
Despite challenging weather conditions throughout the project, Waitohu (formerly Trademark Paving) ensured the driveway was poured during breaks between rain days.
A standout feature of each unit is the beautifully crafted kitchens, custom-made and installed by Kitchen Maker Christchurch.
The final result is a testament to the team's project management, craftsmanship, and dedication.
Multi-unit Rebuild